Partner Benefits & Offers

Partnerships are a quick path to success! Here's what we bring to the table...

Cloud-based HR management suite with flexibility for any type of business.
More efficient and profitable business members.
Happier and stress-free business owners and entrepreneurs.
Contributions to your charity, your business, and to your system.


Franchise Systems

Franchise systems enjoy support for their conventions & training. Every franchise system hosts some sort of gathering or training so eValueMe provides advertising support, training, or support of other benefits to enhance the events.

Business Coaches

Business coaches and networkers enjoy commissions on introductions & sales. Many business coaches will benefit from leveraging and offering eValueMe to their clients and will be appreciated by those clients for the wise direction.

Business Support

Business support services partners enjoy referrals and integration. Partnering business service companies can benefit through referrals and other avenues when they partner with eValueMe to offer bundled services to members. These relationships also open the door for digital integration also.

Direct Salespeople

Direct salespeople enjoy commissions on all new members. Those that focus on introducing businesses to eValueMe can earn a great, recurring income stream from their efforts, investment, and results.